
Phone Number: (+39) 06 31054519.
e–mail address:

Address: Via Dodecaneso, 15 – 00144 Roma (RM)

Schedule of Services: Day (s) Time Frequency
Inspirational & Prayer Service Thursday 6.30–7.45 p.m. weekly
Reading & Meditation Service Sunday 10.00–11.30 a.m. weekly
(9.30–9.55 a.m.: Guided Energization Exercises)
Meditation Service 2nd Saturday 5.00–8.00 p.m. monthly
Meditation Service 4th Saturday 8.30 a.m.–2.00 p.m. monthly

The SRF Meditation Group of Rome is closed from July 26th.
It will re-open the first Saturday of September with the ceremony for Sri Krishna (6.00 – 7.00 pm free meditation and 7.00 – 8.00 pm ceremony).